After a two year hiatus, we were able to host our 4th Annual Charity Ball Hockey Tournament, and with overwhelming support from the community we were able to raise $66,601.80 to be split between the Grande Prairie Regional Hospotal Foundation and the 3D Children’s Society!
Our Team in Newfoundland were able to get together and complete some substantial improvements to the Conception Bay South Family Resource Center backyard!
Other events Aztec has sponsored or taken part in 2020 are:
- 3D Children's Society
- Apega - Science Night
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Adopt a Family - Lacombe
- Conception Bay Family Resource Program
- Firefighter's Charitable Foundation
- Grande Prairie Live Theatre
- Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation
- Kids with Cancer Society
- Nitehawk Year Round Adventure Park
- RJ Junior Badminton Club
- Santa's Anonymous - Edmonton
- Science Night / GPRHF
- STARS Air Ambulance
- Stocking Stuffers for Seniors
- The Spirit Tree
- Unitied Way - Tools for School
- United Way Alberta Northwest Society