Aztec Engineering Inc. will conduct itself according to the principles of the following code of ethics:
- Aztec will conduct professional work in the spirit of fairness to employees, loyalty and personal honour.
- Aztec will refrain from associating itself with or allowing the use of its name by an enterprise of questionable character.
- Aztec will advertise only in a dignified manner, being careful to avoid misleading statements.
- Aztec will regard as confidential any information obtained from a client or employer.
- Aztec will inform a client or employer of any business connections, interests or affiliations which might influence judgment.
- Aztec will not use improper methods of soliciting professional work and will not pay for securing such work.
- Aztec will accept compensation, financial or otherwise, for a particular service, from one source only except with the full knowledge and consent of all interested parties.
- Aztec will not use unfair means to win professional advancement.
- Aztec will advance the profession of engineering by exchanging general information and experience with fellow engineers and students and by contributing to the work of technical societies, schools of applied science and technical press.
- Aztec will maintain interest in public welfare by applying special knowledge, skill and training for the use and benefit of society.